what are the differences between friends and acquaintances?

what are the differences between friends and acquaintances?

Do you have best friends or acquaintances? What are the differences between friends and acquaintances? Sometimes we ask ourselves these questions which can be difficult to answer.

So, what are the differences between friends and acquaintances?

what are the differences between friends and acquaintances?
Image from Freepik

In this short writing, we will try to find out what makes the real difference between friendship and acquaintance.

Am sure you must be asking yourself who acquaintances are, these are people whom we slightly know or just met a few times. These are people whom we may have got to deal with but will not show up if we need help or some kind of support in our life. An acquaintance is someone you see possibly every day at school or at work or you guys both partake in a common activity. This isn’t a person you look up to for aid or open up to or provide a high level of commitment to.

Most of our acquaintances are those we meet at parties, some in schools, some in the bus or the train, and others in our place of worship be it a church, mosque, or shrine, some we meet in campaigns or seminars. How do we upgrade their position from acquaintances to friendship?

Because they helped us out financially, or because they invited us to this luxurious place, or took you along for hangouts. We all definitely have definitions of what friendship is. Life can be like a storm, and during this stormy day, we need family and friends to help us hang in there and pull things together. To go through whatever, we are facing. So, what is friendship?

Well here is a little version of what I think friendship is about. It’s about care, respect, attention, love, encouragement, genuine kindness. It’s also about having this real uncomfortable conversation of what mistakes either one of you has done and trying to fix it. It’s also about encouraging a friend to work out because they often lack motivation to do so. It’s also about receiving their calls during late nights to listen to their cock and bull stories. It’s also about praying for them or mentioning them to the Creator. It’s also about supporting them too. It’s a give and takes relationship just like any other.

Take time to analyze who are your friends who you can actually count on, when need arrives. With All these guidelines, we can all be able to filter who are friends and who are acquaintances.

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