E4D Continuing Education Scholarship

Top 8 Fully Funded Scholarships for International Students

One of the most important investments is studying abroad. Moreover when you have to finance everything by yourself. From travel costs to living expenses, from school fees to health care, this can require millions of FCFA of investment. This is where scholarships come in very handy for studying abroad.

Top 8 Fully Funded Scholarships for International Students
Top 8 Fully Funded Scholarships for International Students

In this article, we will introduce you to the Top 8 Fully Funded Scholarships for International Students covering fully funded undergraduate, masters, and doctoral programs for international students.

1- Turkish government scholarship

In addition to offering world-class educational opportunities as well as a wealth of knowledge and experience, Turkey offers scholarships for international students from all over the world to study at the most prestigious universities in Turkey. It opens the doors of its universities to international students from all over the world thanks to the “Türkiye Scholarships”. The scholarship program offers its beneficiaries vast opportunities and education in the most prestigious Turkish universities, helping students to acquire new perspectives and have a unique educational experience while studying in Turkey.

The Türkiye Scholarships is a competitive government-funded scholarship program awarded to outstanding students to pursue a full-time or short-term program at top universities in Turkey. The Türkiye Fellowships aim to create a network of future leaders committed to strengthening cooperation between countries and mutual understanding between societies.

Registration periodJanuary
Official websitehttps://www.turkiyeburslari.gov.tr/
Turkish government scholarship

2- Chinese Government Scholarship

In order to promote cooperation and exchanges in various fields between China and other countries, the Chinese government has set up a series of scholarship programs to sponsor international students, teachers and scholars to study and conduct research in Chinese universities.

The China Scholarship Council (referred to as CSC), appointed by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China (referred to as MOE), is responsible for the enrollment and administration of Chinese government scholarship programs. Now, 289 designated Chinese universities offer a wide variety of university programs in science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, economics, legal studies, management, education, history, literature, philosophy and fine arts for scholarship holders of all skill levels.

Registration periodJanuary – March
Official websitehttps://studyinchina.csc.edu.cn/
Chinese Government Scholarship

3- Erasmus Mundus scholarship

The Erasmus Mundus Joint Master (EMJMD) is a prestigious integrated international study program, delivered jointly by an international consortium of higher education institutions.

The EMJMD grants scholarships financed by the EU (European Union) to the best student candidates applying within the framework of the annual selection cycles. The study must take place in at least two of the countries of the program. Part of the studies can also take place in a partner country if an institution from the partner country is involved.

Registration periodOctober – January
Official websitehttps://eacea.ec.europa.eu/
Erasmus Mundus scholarship

4- Commonwealth scholarship

The Commonwealth Scholarships Commission in the UK (CSC) awards more than 900 graduate and professional development scholarships to Commonwealth citizens each year. The CSC aims to contribute to the UK’s international development goals and broader foreign interests, to support excellence in higher education in the UK and to support the principles of the Commonwealth. Applicants are selected on the basis of their merit and their potential to contribute to the needs of their home country.

 Commonwealth Scholarships in the UK are funded by the Department for International Development (for developing Commonwealth countries), the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and the Scottish Government (for developed Commonwealth countries ), in collaboration with UK universities.

Registration periodOctober – December
Official websitehttp://cscuk.dfid.gov.uk
Commonwealth scholarship

5- DAAD scholarship

Each year, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) supports more than 100,000 German and international students and researchers worldwide, making it the world’s largest funding organization of its kind.

DAAD scholarships are primarily intended for graduates, doctoral students and post-docs and are awarded for study and research visits to universities and non-university research institutes in Germany. In some programs, internships are also funded.

Registration periodAugust – October
Official websitehttps://www2.daad.de/
DAAD scholarship

6- Australian Government Scholarship

The Australian stock exchanges are long-term stock exchanges administered by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. They aim to contribute to the development needs of Australia’s partner countries in accordance with bilateral and regional agreements. They offer people from developing countries, particularly from the Indo-Pacific region, the opportunity to undertake full-time undergraduate or postgraduate studies at Australian universities and technical and educational institutions. higher education (TAFE) participants. The study and research opportunities offered by Australian scholarships help develop the skills and knowledge of individuals to drive change and contribute to development in their own country.

Registration periodOctober-December and February-April
Official websitehttps://oasis.dfat.gov.au/
Australian Government Scholarship

7- Russian Government scholarship

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation offers government scholarships to international students. It is an opportunity for growth and development that only a few other experiences can offer so intensely.

Registration periodOctober-December
Official websiteWebsite of the Ministry of Higher
Education in each country
Russian Government scholarship

8- Japanese government scholarship

The Japanese government scholarship system (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology) was established in 1954, and since then, more than 83,000 international students from around 160 countries and regions were accepted (at the end of 2009).

The Japanese government scholarship supports foreign students studying in higher education institutions, selected on the recommendation of the Japanese embassy/consulate general, university or authority.

Registration periodSeptember
Official websitehttps://www.mext.go.jp/en/
Top 8 Fully Funded Scholarships for International Students

To conclude our Top 8 Fully Funded Scholarships for International Students, it is important to remember how important is to focus and work hard on academic performance and Extracurricular activities to increase the chance of winning a scholarship. Please do not forget to share this article with your friends and family as it may be useful for determining the right scholarship to apply for.

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